In the vast stretch of Earth’s orbit, a growing menace looms-a cluttered area of space debris that threatens both satellite operations and future space exploration. Amidst this challenge, a promising startup ‘Taramandal’ is emerging as a beacon of hope.
By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative strategies, this startup established in the year 2023, endeavours to pioneer orbital vehicles (satellites) that prevent debris formation, fostering a clean and sustainable outer space. Currently estimated at around 10,900 tonnes in Earth’s orbit, this debris poses significant challenges to space operations.
The alone product of the company has an effect on two-fold existing problems in the space technology arena, one is formation of debris and the other is orbital operations for the well-being of human society. The proliferation of non-sustainable satellites that are non-reusable and not customizable, coupled with the widespread adoption of launch vehicles has resulted in a concerning escalation of space debris.
Taramandal is developing technologies for In-space manufacturing and prevention of space debris through the creation of a returnable satellite platform that leverages the benefits of preventing debris/space craft collisions and provides the space to make new materials that are not possible on Earth and make a sustainable space environment.
“Our revolutionary return technology reduces the cost of return from space, which means less space debris in the orbital environment. Taramandal is working on a number of technologies simultaneously focused on improving the energy efficiency of critical systems, reducing the carbon footprint of the innovation,” said A.Vineel Judson, one of the founders.
They are currently building India’s and APAC’s first; Reusable Orbital Vehicle Co-RTV feature integrated facilities for orbital operations, synthesis and In-space manufacturing.
The focus now is on rapid R&D, strategic partnerships, and expansion into emerging markets.
Below is a brief snapshot of the Startup:
Founders: A. Vineel Judson, D.Rajesh, N.Rama Jaya Lakshmi, M.Gautam, T.Neelakanteswarareddy
Incubated/Started year: 2023
Industry/Space: Space sector
Number of team members: 10
Funding Received: Yes, AWS, MEITY, DST, IIT-H, IIT-D, E.O
Looking for: Investment and User Segment
Claim to Fame: Partnered with Starburst Aerospace and Israel Aerospace Industries
Market of Operation: Currently in MVP phase
Revenues: Pre-revenue
Company’s Culture:
Aggressive Methodical Easy Going
PTIM (Person that inspires me): Elon Musk: The way he thinks out of the box.