Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) the corporate entity of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant conducted a Plant Level Mock Drill at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant as a part of ensuring emergency preparedness under the guidance of Mr. V Suresh, Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories, and Mr. P Chinna Rao, Inspector of factories – Govt. of AP, Visakhapatnam who witnessed the mock drill exercise.
An emergency scenario of LD gas leakage from fabric compensator in Stream 2 of GRP-2(Gas Recovery Plant-2)/EMD(Energy Management department) “was enacted, in which 2 persons were considered to be affected with gas poisoning while attending to maintenance activity.”
During the mock drill, fixed and mobile firefighting installations, water curtain systems, First aid and rescue equipment etc., were effectively deployed.
As part of the mock drill, the employees of EMD(Energy Management department) and CISF- fire wing personnel carried out the rescue operation and rescued the affected persons from the spot using self-contained breathing apparatus and other emergency response devices. Senior officials and Personnel from EMD, CISF fire wing , EnMD (Environment Management Department) , HR, Medical and Safety Engineering departments have actively participated in Mock Drill.
Mr. V Suresh, Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories, Govt. of AP, Visakhapatnam appreciated the efforts of RINL in effectively training and demonstrating the preparedness during emergencies. Mr. Pravin Kumar, CGM(Services) RINL & Manager of the Factory, witnessed and reviewed the events along with other senior officials of RINL.