Anil Bezawada

Getting Droned

A chance encounter with a drone in Ahmedabad in 2016, sparked Mr Sagar Koteswararao’s interest in drones.  Little did he know that this newfound fascination of his would burgeon into Joora Drones a venture altering the conventional way of surveying and infrastructure development. The inception of...

Getting you Answer ready

Most of us would have faced interview anxieties at some point in time. This is where Spotmies comes in to help you sail through them. The startup is an AI-based interview bot that simulates real interview scenarios and offers diverse mock interview sessions, ultimately making...

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ITC cannot be granted solely on Tax Invoice: Apex Court

In order to counter the growing menace of fake invoicing the country's supreme court...

Supreme Court orders States to mention DIN in all GST related communications

In order to further bring in transparency & accountability in GST & Customs department’s...

Supreme court grants Taxpayers chance to claim credits/Input (pre GST regime)

The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case of UOI Vs M/s. Filco Trade...

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Getting Droned

A chance encounter with a drone in Ahmedabad in 2016, sparked Mr Sagar Koteswararao’s...

Getting you Answer ready

Most of us would have faced interview anxieties at some point in time. This...

Real Estate JDAs should be exempt from GST

It is a wide-spread practice in the Real Estate sector wherein developers/builders/realtors identify suitable...

DGNCC addresses cadets

Also briefed on vacancy enhancements in AP&T Lt Gen Gurbirpal Singh, PVSM, AVSM, VSM, Director...