HomeDefenceAs India grows so will Navy's expansion: CNS

As India grows so will Navy’s expansion: CNS

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Identifying the vast potential of the oceans – be it the Blue Economy, trade and energy lines, or scope for enhanced maritime connectivity the chief of Naval Staff, Admiral R Hari Kumar said that there is a greater emphasis and acknowledgement of the criticality of maritime security.

Addressing the media as part of the annual Navy Day celebrations he said that the Indian Navy has a much significant role to play going forward.

‘Clearly, as India grows, our maritime interests and investments will also expand proportionately which, in turn, will mandate expansion in the Indian Navy’s responsibilities and operational footprint to protect these interests’ said the CNS.

At the same time he noted that as a responsible maritime power, with significant capabilities at its disposal, India also endeavours to be the Preferred Security Partner as well as First Responder in the region – guided by the overarching vision of SAGAR – Security And Growth for All in the Region. In furthering and strengthening these vital goals, the Indian Navy will remain diligent in pursuit of building bonds of friendship and operational cohesion with like-minded nations across the Indo-Pacific and beyond.

Navy to actively pursue Niche & Disruptive Tech

Underscoring the role of futuristic technologies in the Indian Navy Chief of the Naval staff, Admiral Hari Kumar said that with the rapid pace of advancements in technology spanning a wide array of sectors there is an inescapable need to not only catch-up with the developments, but to go above and beyond them. “We will passionately pursue and adopt niche and disruptive technologies. Towards this end, we will follow the SPRINT or ‘Supporting Pole-Vaulting in R&D through iDEX, NIIO and TDAC’ approach. The aim is to seamlessly meld the elements of ‘innovation’ ‘indigenisation’ and ‘self-reliance’ said the CNS.

Speaking on self-reliance and Atmanirbharta he said The Indian Navy, on its part, has made an unequivocal commitment to be fully AatmaNirbhar by 2047.


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