A 14-member high-level delegation led by Mr. Hachiro Nitta, Governor, Toyama Prefecture, Japan, recently visited Andhra Pradesh to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two regions.
The visit culminated in the signing of a renewed MOU aimed at deepening cooperation in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, tourism, and other key sectors, further strengthening their ongoing association that was initially established in 2015.
As per an official release from the government the Main Components of the renewed MOU included: Economic exchange, Cultural exchange, Person-to-person and academic exchange, Digital field exchange and pharmaceuticals field.
The visiting delegation was informed that Andhra Pradesh has one of the biggest Japanese industrial clusters in the country where more than 25 Japanese companies are located in one place.
As the prefecture is well known for developing Zen gardens, Dr. N. Yuvaraj, IAS Secretary to the Government, Industries & Commerce & Food Processing, GoAP invited the Governor of Toyama Prefecture to establish a Zen Garden in Andhra Pradesh. He opined that this garden would be a mark of remembrance for the signing of the MoU.
Talks were also held wherein student exchange programme can be developed and strengthened further based on the already established relations between the Universities in Andhra Pradesh and Toyama Prefectural University.
Speaking on investments, Secretary assured the delegation that if any Industries from Japan in particular the pharmaceuticals space will be given high priority and will be considered for quick approval.
He further suggested the establishment of a working group comprising of members from both Andhra Pradesh and the Prefecture to consistently pursue and bring the collaborations to fruition. The secretary also requested the establishment of an Office of the Prefecture in the state.
Similarly, Mr Kona Sasidhar, I.A.S., Secretary to the Government, School Education, GoAP observed that the collaboration with ANU was a great achievement.
Noting that Japan is very advanced in high end technology, Research and Innovation he requested the formation of a joint working group on AI, Pharmaceuticals and Defence. He also insisted on establishing Japan language schools in the Universities in Andhra Pradesh.
Mr Hachiro Netta Governor thanked the authorities of the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the warm welcome and informed that an Office of the Prefecture is there in Chennai, and they work with JETRO based in Chennai.
The Governor also agreed to check with gardeners of Toyama to establish a Zen Garden in the state of Andhra Pradesh. He also expressed his happiness with the energy levels he has seen in the state and was keen to continue the collaboration work between the universities of Andhra Pradesh and the Toyama Prefecture.
The Governor shared information of the Japanese cuisine while also informed that Toyama is the capital of the Japanese Sushi and also about the natural beauty of Toyama.
Mr. Toru Yamamoto, Chair, Toyama Prefectural Assembly pointed out that businesses in Japan take time to build trust and once trust is built the relations will be long standing and thus emphasized that relations are to be built based on trust.